X202Eの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全100ページ 11.05MB]
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8 ノートパソコン ユーザーマニュアル内蔵モデムの適応規格(規格/プロトコルなど原文掲載)The Notebook PC with internal modem model complies with JATE (Japan), FCC (US, Canada, Korea, Taiwan), and CTR 1. The internal modem has been approved in accordance with Council Decision 98/48/EC for pan-European single terminal connection to the public switched telephone network (PSTN). However due to diferences between the individual PSTNs provided in diferent countries, the approval does not, of itself, give an unconditional assurance of successful operation on every PSTN network termination point. In the event of problems you should contact your equipment supplier in the irst instance.OverviewOn 4th August 1998 the European Council Decision regarding the CTR 1 has been published in the Oicial Journal of the EC. The CTR 1 applies to all non voice terminal equipment with DTMF-dialling which is intended to be connected to the analogue PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network). CTR 1 (Common Technical Regulation) for the attachment requirements for connection to the analogue public switched telephone networks of terminal equipment (excluding terminal equipment supporting the voice telephony justiied case service) in which network addressing, if provided, is by means of dual tone multifrequency signalling.Network Compatibility DeclarationStatement to be made by the manufacturer to the Notiied Body and the vendor: “This declaration will indicate the networks with which the equipment is designed to work and any notiied networks with which the equipment may have inter-working diiculties.”