P-02Eの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全116ページ 2.94MB]
gizport - 2013-10-03
http://www.nttdocomo.co.jp/.../P-02E_J_01.pdf - 2.94MB
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116page / 2.94MB
For body worn operation, this phone has been tested and meets theFCC RF exposure guidelines when used with an accessory designatedfor this product or when used with an accessory that contains nometal and that positions the handset a minimum of 15 mm from thebody.*In the United States, the SAR limit for wireless mobile phonesused by the public is 1.6 watts/kg (W/kg) averaged over onegram of tissue. SAR values may vary depending upon nationalreporting requirements and the network band.Important Safety InformationAircraftSwitch off your mobile phone when boarding an aircraft or wheneveryou are instructed to do so by airline staff. If your mobile phoneoffers a 'flight mode' or similar feature consult airline staff as towhether it can be used on board.DrivingFull attention should be given to driving at all times and local lawsand regulations restricting the use of mobile phones while drivingmust be observed.HospitalsMobile phones should be switched off wherever you are requested todo so in hospitals, clinics or health care facilities. These requests aredesigned to prevent possible interference with sensitive medicalequipment.Petrol StationsObey all posted signs with respect to the use of mobile phones orother radio equipment in locations with flammable material andchemicals. Switch off your mobile phone whenever you are instructedto do so by authorized staff.InterferenceCare must be taken when using the mobile phone in close proximityto personal medical devices, such as pacemakers and hearing aids.PacemakersPacemaker manufacturers recommend that a minimum separationof 22 cm be maintained between a mobile phone and a pacemaker toavoid potential interference with the pacemaker. To achieve this usethe mobile phone on the opposite ear to your pacemaker and do notcarry it in a breast pocket.付録97
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