N-02Dの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全173ページ 9.43MB]
http://www.nttdocomo.co.jp/.../N-02D_J_01.pdf - 9.43MB
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173page / 9.43MB
その他108Loss or theft of FOMA terminal or payment of cumulative cost overseas<docomo Information Center> (available 24 hours a day)■ From DOCOMO mobile phonesInternational call access code for the country you stay-81-3-6832-6600* (toll free)* You are charged a call fee to Japan when calling from a land-line phone, etc.* If you use N-02D, you should dial the number +81-3-6832-6600 (to enter “+”, press and hold the “0” key for at least one second).■ From land-line phones <Universal number>Universal number international prefix-8000120-0151** You might be charged a domestic call fee according to the call rate for the country you stay.* For international call access codes for major countries and universal number international prefix, refer to DOCOMO International Services website.Failures encountered overseas<Network Support and Operation Center> (available 24 hours a day)■ From DOCOMO mobile phonesInternational call access code for the country you stay-81-3-6718-1414* (toll free)* You are charged a call fee to Japan when calling from a land-line phone, etc.* If you use N-02D, you should dial the number +81-3-6718-1414 (to enter “+”, press and hold the “0” key for at least one second).■ From land-line phones <Universal number>Universal number international prefix-8005931-8600** You might be charged a domestic call fee according to the call rate for the country you stay.* For international call access codes for major countries and universal number international prefix, refer to DOCOMO International Services website.● If you lose your FOMA terminal or have it stolen, immediately take the steps necessary for suspending the use of the FOMA terminal.● If the FOMA terminal you purchased is damaged, bring your FOMA terminal to a repair counter specified by DOCOMO after returning to Japan.
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