MX-1の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全244ページ 14.71MB]
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1624Editing and Printing Images7 Press the 4 button.The selected frame is saved as a still picture.4 Select [Divide Movies] on the movie editing selection screen.5 Press the 4 button.The screen for specifying the dividing position appears.6 Use the four-way controller (2345) to specify the dividing position.2Plays or pauses the movie.3Stops the movie and returns to the first frame.4Reverses the movie frame by frame.5Forwards the movie frame by frame.7 Press the 4 button.A confirmation dialog appears.8 Use the four-way controller ( 23) to select [Divide].9 Press the 4 button.The movie is divided at the specified position, each segment is saved as a new file, and the original movie is deleted.To Divide a MovieProtected movies cannot be divided.* Only a movie of more than 2 seconds (31 frames) can be divided.* For dividing, every 30 frames (31st, 61st, 91st. frames) can be selected.Select image forelect image fordividing positionividing positionSelect image fordividing positionOKOK CancelCancelOKOKDivideDivideDivide at this position? Divide at this position?CancelCancel