EOS 60Daの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全150ページ 13.33MB]
gizport - 2013-10-03
http://gdlp01.c-wss.com/.../dpp311m4-en.pdf - 13.33MB
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150page / 13.33MB
12345IntroductionContents at a GlanceBasic OperationAdvanced OperationAdvanced Image Editing and PrintingEditing JPEG/TIFF ImagesIndexProcessing Large Numbers of ImagesReference Content of this Instruction ManualDPP is used for Digita l Photo Professional. indicates the selectio n procedure of the menu.Example: [Digital P hoto Professional] menu [Quit Digital Photo Professional].Square brackets are used to indicate items such as menu names, butt on names and window names that appear on the computer screen.Text inside < > indicates a key on the keyboard.** indicates a reference page.Click to move to the relevant page. : Marks helpful info rmation when a problem arises. : Marks tips for using the software skillfully. : Marks information t hat should be read before use. : Marks additional info rmation you may find helpful.(C) CANON INC. 2012 CCS-M034DPPME-000 Switching Between PagesClick on arrows on the bo ttom right of the screen. : next page : previous page : return to a page you had previously displayedClick on the chapter headin gs on the right side of the screen to switch to the contents page of that chapter. Also, click the item you want to read about on the table of contents to move to the relevant page. Help and Shortcut KeysFor information about usin g DPP, refer to Help from the [Help] menu.Refer to the "Shortcut Key List" in the Help for a list of shortcut keys wh ich are helpful for quick operation.RAW Image Processing, Viewing and Editing SoftwareDigital Photo ProfessionalVer. 3.11Instruction Manual
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