OptiPlex G1の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全174ページ 1.59MB]
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Dell Diagnostics: Dell OptiPlex GX1 Small-Form-Factor System User's Guidefile:///C|/infodev/2013/eDoc/OpGX1/UG/diag.htm [2/21/2013 11:47:14 AM]such as a printer and a mouse, that are connected to the computer through a serial or infrared port. Thesubtests in this test group are not intended as a diagnostic test for the actual peripheral attached to eachport.NOTES: With certain modems installed, the Serial/ Infrared Ports Test Group subtests may failbecause the modem appears to the Dell Diagnostics as a serial or infrared port, but it cannot betested as a serial or infrared port. If a modem is installed and one of the serial/ infrared ports subtestsfails, remove the modem and run the diagnostic tests again.If an external loopback connector is not attached to a serial or infrared port, the Serial ExternalTransmission Test will fail for that port and the results of this test should therefore be ignored. Anexternal modem connected to the port does not substitute for an external loopback connector.The four subtests in the Serial/Infrared Ports Test Group confirm the following port functions:Serial/Infrared Baud Rate TestChecks the baud rate generator in each serial communications chip against the computer's clockSerial/Infrared Interrupt TestChecks the serial port's ability to send IRQs to the microprocessorSerial/Infrared Internal Transmission TestChecks several internal functions of the serial port using the internal loopback mode of the serialcommunications chipSerial External Transmission TestIf a loopback device is attached, checks the line control bits of the serial port and sends a testpattern at several baud rates, checking the returned valuesWhy Run a Serial/Infrared Ports Test?If the Dell Diagnostics does not recognize your computer's serial or infrared ports, enter the System Setupprogram and check the Serial/infrared Port category to see whether the port has been disabled. Thesubtests in the Serial/Infrared Ports Test Group cannot test a port unless it is enabled.When a port is faulty, it may not be immediately evident that the port, and not the device connected to theport, is faulty. Instead, the peripheral (such as a printer or mouse) might behave erratically or not operate atall. If the external device is not properly installed through your software, it also may not function properly. Tryoperating the peripheral from different programs or through the operating system. If it still does not work, youcan eliminate the software configuration as the cause of the problem.Another possible cause for errors is the external device. Use the documentation that came with theperipheral to troubleshoot it and confirm that it is working properly. (Most printers have a self-test.)After you eliminate incorrect system configuration information settings, peripheral malfunctions, and softwareerrors as potential causes of port problems, you can run the subtests in the Serial/Infrared Ports TestGroup to check your hardware. Although the following symptoms can be caused by faulty peripherals orsoftware errors, they might also suggest a port problem:
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