OptiPlex G1の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全174ページ 1.59MB]
ftp://ftp.dell.com/.../optiplex-g1_User%27s%20Guide_en-us.pdf - 1.59MB
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System Setup Options: Dell OptiPlex GX1 Small-Form-Factor System User's Guidefile:///C|/infodev/2013/eDoc/OpGX1/UG/setupopt.htm [2/21/2013 11:47:16 AM]For example, you may have a memory expansion card that needs to be addressed starting at 15 MB.Selecting the 15M - 16M option in the Reserved Memory option specifies that the base memory from 15 to16 MB comes from the memory expansion card (the base memory below the 15-MB address comes from thedual in-line memory modules [DIMMs] on the system board).The Reserved Memory option has the following settings:None (the default option)512K - 640K15M - 16MCPU SpeedCPU Speed indicates the processor speed at which your system boots.Press the left- or right-arrow key to toggle the CPU Speed option between the resident microprocessor'srated speed (the default) and a lower compatibility speed, which lets you accommodate speed-sensitiveapplication programs. A change to this option takes effect immediately (rebooting the system is not required).You can also toggle between the rated processor speed and the compatibility speed while the system isrunning in real mode by pressing <Ctrl><Alt><\>. (For keyboards that do not use American English, press<Ctrl><Alt><#>.)Num LockNum Lock determines whether your system boots with the Num Lock mode activated on 101- or 102-keykeyboards (it does not apply to 84-key keyboards).When Num Lock mode is activated, the rightmost bank of keys on your keyboard provides the mathematicaland numeric functions shown at the tops of the keys. When Num Lock mode is turned off, these keys providecursor-control functions according to the label on the bottom of each key.Chassis IntrusionChassis Intrusion displays the status of the system chassis intrusion monitor. The settings for this optionare Enabled, Enabled-Silent, or Disabled. The default is Enabled.If the computer cover is removed while the intrusion monitor is set to Enabled , the setting changes toDetected, and the following message appears during the boot sequence at the next system start-up:Alert! Cover was previously removed.If the computer cover is removed while the intrusion monitor is set to Enabled-Silent, the setting changes toDetected, but the alert message is not displayed during the boot sequence at the next system start-up.If the intrusion monitor is set to Disabled , no intrusion monitoring occurs and no messages are displayed.
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