OptiPlex G1の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全174ページ 1.59MB]
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System Setup Options: Dell OptiPlex GX1 Small-Form-Factor System User's Guidefile:///C|/infodev/2013/eDoc/OpGX1/UG/setupopt.htm [2/21/2013 11:47:16 AM]set to Unlocked.Press the <Alt><p> key combination to move to Page 2 of the System Setup screens.2. Reboot your system to force it to prompt you for a system password. 3. When prompted, type the system password.4. Press the <Ctrl><Enter> key combination to disable the existing system password, instead of pressing<Enter> to continue with the normal operation of your system. 5. Confirm that Not Enabled is displayed for the System Password option of the System Setup program.If Not Enabled appears in the System Password option, the system password has been deleted.If you want to assign a new password, continue to step 6. If Not Enabled is not displayed for theSystem Password option, press the <Alt><p> key combination to reboot the system, and thenrepeat steps 3 through 5.6. To assign a new password, follow the procedure in "Assigning a System Password ."Using the Setup Password FeatureYour Dell system is shipped to you without the setup password feature enabled. If system security is aconcern, you should operate your system with setup password protection.You can assign a setup password whenever you use the System Setup program. After a setup password isassigned, only those who know the password have full use of the System Setup program.To change an existing password , you must know the setup password. If you assign and later forget a setuppassword, you need to remove the computer cover to change a jumper setting that disables the setuppassword feature. Note that you erase the system password at the same time.Assigning a Setup PasswordA setup password can be assigned (or changed) only when the Setup Password option is set to NotEnabled. To assign a setup password, perform the following steps:1. Enter the System Setup program and go to Page 2 of the System Setup screens.2. Highlight the Setup Password option and press the left- or right-arrow key.The system prompts you to enter and verify the password. If a character is illegal for passworduse, the system emits a beep.NOTES: The setup password can be the same as the system password.If the two passwords are different, the setup password can be used as an alternate systempassword. However, the system password cannot be used in place of the setup password.3. Enter and verify the password and click OK.
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