ASUS Fonepadの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全110ページ 15.06MB]
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110page / 15.06MB
K004105RF Exposure information (SAR) - CEThis device meets the EU requirements (1999/519/EC) on the limitation of exposure of the general public to electromagnetic ields by way of health protection.The limits are part of extensive recommendations for the protection of the general public. These recommendations have been developed and checked by independent scientiic organizations through regular and thorough evaluations of scientiic studies. The unit of measurement for the European Council’s recommended limit for mobile devices is the “Speciic Absorption Rate” (SAR), and the SAR limit is 2.0 W/Kg averaged over 10 gram of body tissue. It meets the requirements of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP).For next-to-body operation, this device has been tested and meets the ICNRP exposure guidelines and the European Standard EN 62311 and EN 62209-2. SAR is measured with the device directly contacted to the body while transmitting at the highest certiied output power level in all frequency bands of the mobile device.Power Safety RequirementProducts with electrical current ratings up to 6A and weighing more than 3Kg must use approved power cords greater than or equal to: H05VV-F, 3G, 0.75mm2 or H05VV-F, 2G, 0.75mm2.Regional notice for SingaporeThis ASUS product complies with IDA Standards.電気・電子機器に含有される化学物質の 表示について 資源有効利用促進法では、JIS C 0950:2008(J-Moss)の定める規格により、製造元に対し特定の電気・電子機器に含まれる化学物質の情報提供を義務付けています。J-Moss とは、電気・電子機器に含有される化学物質の表示に関するJ I S 規 格 の 略 称 で、正 式 名 称 は 「The marking when content other than exemption does not exceed reference value of percentage content(電気・電子機器の特定の化学物質の含有表示方法)」です。なお、この規格は2008年8月1日より適用されています。この規格に関する詳細情報はASUSのサイト(に記載の「The marking when content other than exemption does not exceed reference value of percentage content(電気・電子機器の特定の化学物質の含 有 表 示 方 法 )」を ご 参 照 く だ さ い 。注:コンテンツは全て英語表記です。