COOLPIX 800の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全53ページ 2.31MB]
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- 18 -Using the Buttons (PLAY)This chapter describes the following playback functions:* viewing photographs* deleting unwanted photographs individuallyThese functions can be accessed using the zoom buttons ( )and the three buttons below the control panel. The optionsavailable in the playback menu are described in the followingchapter.Follow these steps to view or delete photographs stored on thememory card:1 Turn the mode dial to PLAY. The mostrecently recorded image will be displayedin the LCD monitor.2 View the other photos in memory one at a time, or select thephoto you want to view from a menu of preview images.*To view photos one at a time:Use the zoom buttons () to view photos one at a time.Press the zoom-out button ( ) to view photographs re-corded before the current photo, or press the zoom-inbutton () to view images recorded after the current photo.Hold either button down to scroll quickly to a particularframe number without viewing intervening photos. Thephotograph displayed will not change, but the frame numberat the bottom right corner of the LCD monitor will increaseor decrease rapidly. Release the zoom button when thedesired frame number is reached to display the photo.The MONITOR buttonThe MONITOR button controls the LCD monitor. Press the MONITORbutton once to hide photo information, a second time to turn the monitoroff, and a third time to turn the monitor on with information showing.Using the Buttons (PLAY)TipsBy default, only photographs in the current folder are displayed in playbackmode. To select another folder for viewing, or to view photos in all folders,use the FOLDERS item in the playback menu (see "The Camera Menus: ThePlayback Menu," below).If there are no photographs in the current folder, the message, "cardcontains no image data" will be displayed. Select another folder using theFOLDERS item in the playback menu. If there are no photographs in anyfolder, you will be able to use the playback menu (see below), but you willnot be able to play images back.Photographs selected for full-size display are shown briefly at low resolu-tion while they are being read from memory. This feature allows you topage rapidly through the photographs in memory without waiting for everyitem to be displayed at full resolution. Before the image is displayed at fullresolution, the screen will briefly go black.The first and last photographs in memory are linked. Pressing the zoom-in button () when the last photo in memory is selected takes you to thefirst photo; pressing the zoom-out button ( ) when the first photo isselected takes you to the last photo.