COOLPIX 800の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全53ページ 2.31MB]
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- 31 -CONCEPT PRACTICEMaking a Panorama-Tips (AE-LOCK)In M-REC mode, you can lock autoexposure and auto whitebalance to produce a series of photographs with consistent colorbalance and exposure. This can be used to take several matchingphotographs of a single scene, which can later be blendedtogether to create a panorama or a virtual-reality image.Using autoexposure and auto white-balance lockWhen making a panorama, use a tripod to maintain a consistentangle. To turn the lock function on:1 Turn the mode dial to M-REC.2 Press the MENU button to display theshooting menu, then press it again to viewthe second page.3 Using the zoom buttons (), highlightAE-LOCK and press the shutter-releasebutton.Autoexposure and white-balance settings are fixed at the valuesused in the first photograph taken after ON is selected. You canturn the lock function off to allow the camera to set autoexposureand white balance separately for each picture by selecting OFFfrom the AE-LOCK menu. To restore the original lock settings,select ON again. Before beginning a new panorama, select RESETto clear the previous settings, then repeat steps 2-5, above.1USER SETRESET ALLFOLDERSLENSCARDFORMATAE LOCKB&WSET UPSET➔ SHUTTER4 Select ON from the AE-LOCK menu andpress the shutter-release button. Theindicators AE-L and WB-L will appear inthe LCD monitor.5 After viewing the scene in the LCD moni-tor and adjusting settings to produce sat-isfactory exposure, take the first photo-graph in the series.The Camera Menus: The M-REC MenuONRESETOFFAE-LAE LOCKSET➔SHUTTERBKWB-L