COOLPIX 800の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全53ページ 2.31MB]
gizport - 2013-08-17 - 2.31MB
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53page / 2.31MB
- 33 -CONCEPTPRACTICERestoring Default SettingsThe RESET ALL item in the M-REC menu allows you to reset usersettings to the default values shown below:Setting Default valueWhite balance automaticMetering matrixContinuous single frameImage adjustment standardSensitivity AUTOBest-shot selection offVGA offFolder NIKONLens converter normal (no adjustment)AE-LOCK offBlack-and-white off (color)LCD brightness 0 (no adjustment)LCD on/off LCD ONControls all settings other than DIST FT offAuto off (all modes) 30sSlide-show interval 3sDate, language, and DIST FT settings will not be reset.To restore default settings:1 Turn the mode dial to M-REC.2 Press the MENU button to display the M-REC menu, then press it again to view thesecond page.3 Using the zoom buttons (), highlightRESET ALL.4 Press shutter-release button and selectRESET from the RESET ALL menu. Set-tings will be restored to their defaultvalues when the shutter-release button ispressed. To exit the menu without chang-ing settings, highlight NO or BK and pressthe shutter-release button. Press theMENU button to return to shooting modewithout changing settings.The Camera Menus: The M-REC Menu1USER SETRESET ALLFOLDERSLENSCARDFORMATAE LOCKB&WSET UPSET➔ SHUTTER AUTORESET ALLSETTINGS TODEFAULTVALUESRESET ALLRESETCNO