COOLPIX 800の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全53ページ 2.31MB]
gizport - 2013-08-17 - 2.31MB
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53page / 2.31MB
- 38 -Deleting All Photographs in MemoryTo delete all photographs except those that have been hidden orprotected:1 Using the zoom buttons (), highlightDELETE in the playback menu, then pressthe shutter-release button. The menushown at right will be displayed.2 Use the zoom buttons () to highlightALL and then press the shutter-releasebutton. The dialog shown at right will bedisplayed. Highlight YES and press theshutter-release button to delete all visible,unprotected images. Highlight NO or BKto return to the playback menu withoutdeleting the images.Deleting FoldersTo delete a folder:1 Using the zoom buttons (), highlightDELETE in the playback menu and pressthe shutter-release button. The menushown at right will be displayed.2 Use the zoom buttons () to highlightFOLDER, then press the shutter-releasebutton.3 Use the zoom buttons () to highlightthe folder you want to delete (note thatthe folder name NIKON can not bedeleted) and press the shutter releasebutton.4 In the menu at right, use the zoom buttons() to highlight YES and press the shut-ter-release button to delete the folder. Toreturn to the previous menu without delet-ing the selected folder, highlight NO or BKand press the shutter-release button.The Camera Menus: The Playback MenuDELETEDELETEFOLDER?APRILYESN OSET➔SHUTTERBK AUTODELETESELECTEDALLPRNT SETFOLDERSET➔SHUTTERBK AUTODELETESELECTEDALLPRNT SETFOLDERSET➔SHUTTERBKDELETEDELETINGALL IMAGES( EXCLUDED)N OYESSET➔SHUTTERBKDELETESHOWAPRILSET➔SHUTTERBKTipsEach time the shutter-release button is pressed at a setting of ULTRA HS(ultra high-speed continuous), the resulting series of up to forty photo-graphs is stored in a separate folder beginning with "N_". The "deletefolders" option can be used to delete all the photographs in a given series.If you attempt to delete a folder containing files not created by the camera,or that have been hidden, protected, or selected for printing, the folder willnot be deleted. All images in the folder that are NOT hidden, protected, orselected for printing will, however, be deleted; other images are unaffected.