COOLPIX 800の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全53ページ 2.31MB]
gizport - 2013-08-17 - 2.31MB
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- 39 -CONCEPT PRACTICESlideshowThe slide-show option allows unattended sequential playback ofall images in the current folder that have not been hidden usingHIDE IMAGE. Photographs are displayed one after the other,with a pause between each photograph.The steps for setting up and starting a slide show are as follows:1 Using the zoom buttons (), highlightSLIDESHOW in the playback menu andpress the shutter-release button. Themenu shown at right will be displayed.2 By default, each photograph will be dis-played for three seconds. To change thelength of time each photo is displayed,highlight FRAME INTVL (frame interval)and press the shutter-release button.Choose an interval from the menu shownat right and press the shutter-release but-ton to return to the SLIDESHOW menu.3 In the SLIDESHOW menu, use the zoombuttons () to highlight START, thenpress the shutter-release button to startthe slide show. The photographs in thecurrent folder will be displayed one at atime in the order recorded, starting withthe oldest photo (photos hidden with theHIDE IMAGE option will not be shown).CONCEPT PRACTICEUsing Folders (Playback)In addition to the folder creation, renaming, and deletion functionsavailable in A-REC and M-REC, the playback FOLDERS menuallows you to select a new folder for playback.To select a folder for playback:1 Use the zoom buttons () to highlightFOLDERS in the playback menu and pressthe shutter-release button. A menu likethat shown at right will be displayed.2 Using the zoom buttons (), select afolder from the list. To view all photo-graphs in memory, select ALL.3 Press the shutter-release button to return to playback. Themost recent photograph in the selected folder will be displayed.The other options available in the FOLDERS menu are describedin "The Camera Menus: The A-REC Menu," above.FOLDERSALLAPRILNIKONOPTIONSSHOWSET➔SHUTTERBKThe Camera Menus: The Playback MenuFRAME INTVLSLIDESHOWSTART(TEMP. SUSPEND➔SHUTTER)SET➔SHUTTERBKINTERVAL2 S3 S5 S10 SSET➔SHUTTERBKTipsEach time the shutter-release button is pressed at a setting of ULTRA HS(ultra high-speed continuous), the resulting series of up to forty photo-graphs is stored in a separate folder beginning with "N_" and followed bya three digit number assigned automatically by the camera. To view thephotographs in a given series, either select the folder from the list in theFOLDERS menu or select ALL (the default setting) to view photographs inall folders, including those beginning with "N_".When ALL is selected in the playback FOLDERS menu, an asterisk appearsto the right of the folder name in the LCD monitor in playback mode.