COOLPIX 800の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全53ページ 2.31MB]
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- 44 -Viewing Photos on a ComputerPhotographs stored on the memory card can be viewed on acomputer either using Nikon View to transfer data directly from thecamera, or by removing the memory card from the camera andreading it using a CompactFlash (CF) card reader or PC cardadapter. The steps involved in a direct connection are describedin the Pocket Guide, "Nikon View: Connecting Your Camera to aComputer." This section describes how to view photographs usinga CF card reader or PC card adapter.Reading Memory CardsTo read the memory cards, you will need:* a PC or Macintosh computer, and* either a CF card reader or, if your computer is equipped witha PCMCIA Type II or Type III card slot, a CA-20 PC-card adapter(available separately from Nikon).Using a CF Card ReaderThe steps involved in connecting a CF card reader and insertingmemory cards may be found in the documentation provided withyour card reader. Once the card has been inserted, it will functionas a disk, as described in Step 3 of "Using a PCMCIA Card Slot,"below.TipsYou may need to install an ATA RAM-card driver before you will be ableto read the memory card on a computer running Windows 3.1.You can use Nikon View to browse photographs on a memory card in thesame fashion as when the camera is connected to your computer directly.See the Nikon View reference manual for details.Using a PCMCIA Card Slot1 To read CompactFlash cards using aPCMCIA Type II or Type III card slot,insert the card in a PC card adapter asshown at right.NoteThe COOLPIX 800 can read and play back only those images that conformto the format used by the COOLPIX 700, 800, 950, 990, 900s, and 900digital cameras. It can not read images recorded by the COOLPIX 990 atan image quality setting of HI, or at a CONTINUOUS setting of Movie. Itmay not be able to read JPEG or TIFF files created by a computer or byanother make of camera. It may also not be able to read camera files thathave been renamed or moved to a different folder using a computer.Connections: Viewing Photos on a Computer2 Insert the adapter into the PC card slot as instructed in thedocumentation provided with your computer or PC card drive.3 The card will now function as a disk. Photographs may be foundwithin the folder DCIM in the card's root directory, stored in thefolder shown in the playback mode information display. Photoscan be viewed in any application that supports JPEG and TIFFformats.