COOLPIX 800の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全53ページ 2.31MB]
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- 48 -The exposure count shows zero* There is not enough memory to record photographs at currentsettings. There may still be enough memory to record photo-graphs at a lower image quality or size. You will not howeverbe able make a photograph at current settings until you havedeleted one or more images from memory as described in"Using the Buttons (PLAY)" or "The Camera Menus: ThePlayback Menu."The monitor shows the message, "NO CARD PRESENT"* Check that a memory card is properly inserted in the camera.See "First Steps: Inserting and Removing Memory Cards."The message, "CARD IS NOT FORMATTED" appears in themonitor* Photographs can not be recorded on this memory card until youhave formatted it as described in "The Camera Menus: The A-REC Menu."One of the following messages appears in the monitor: "CARDCAN NOT BE USED," "IMAGE CAN NOT BE SAVED"* See "Error Messages," below, for more information.Images are over- or underexposed* When using the flash, be sure that your subject is at anappropriate distance.* In any shooting mode, exposure can be adjusted using exposurecompensation (see the Fast Track Guide).* In M-REC mode, you can adjust exposure as described in thePocket Guide, "Taking Photographs: Lighting." If the photo isunderexposed, you can also try increasing sensitivity (see "Usingthe Buttons (A-REC, M-REC): Sensitivity").The flash doesn't work or takes more than thirty sec-onds to chargeBattery level is low* If the battery indicator in the control panel is flashing or showsa low battery level, before using the flash you will need toreplace the batteries as described in "First Steps: PuttingBatteries in Your Camera.", , or appears in the control panel* The flash will not work at an autofocus setting of "Infinity" ()or at settings of "Continuous," "16-shot," "VGA sequence," or"Ultra high-speed continuous.""AE-L," "BSS," or "" appears in the LCD monitor* The flash will not work when "AE Lock," "Best Shot Selection,"or lens converter settings are used.The icon appears in the control panel* The flash is off. Choose another flash setting. See "Using theButtons (A-REC, M-REC): Flash Settings."Images are not in focus* When using autofocus, half-press the shutter-release buttonand check that the autofocus lamp glows steadily before takinga photo. See the Pocket Guide, "Taking Photographs: Compo-sition and Focus."* When using manual focus, be sure that the distance shown inthe control panel matches the distance to your subject.Troubleshooting: General Problems