COOLPIX 800の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全53ページ 2.31MB]
gizport - 2013-08-17 - 2.31MB
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- 50 -Error MessagesWhen there is a problem with the flash-memory card or with thecamera's internal programming and circuitry, an error message willappear superimposed on the image in the LCD monitor. Below isa list of error messages that may be displayed by the COOLPIX 800and the steps that should be taken to deal with them.NOTCAN BE USEDS CTHI ARDRO MATTEDTEDRAFROMATFONC D IS NOTD ICAR S FULL OFOUT MEMORYSAVBE EDGE IMA CANNOTPRESENTNO CARDThe card has not been formatted for usein the COOLPIX 800. Highlight FOR-MAT and press the shutter-release but-ton to format the card, erasing any datathat may be present, or turn the cameraoff and replace the card. If you selectNO, you will not be able to record orplayback photographs until the card hasbeen formatted or replaced.There is not enough memory to recordmore photographs. No photographscan be taken until some images havebeen deleted from memory as de-scribed in "Using the Buttons (PLAY)"or "The Camera Menus: The PlaybackMenu."The camera has encountered an errorwhile saving a photo or has run out offile numbers in the current folder. Trysaving photos to a different folder. Ifthe SEQ.XFER option is on, chooseOFF or RESET from the SEQ.XFERmenu (see "The Camera Menus: TheM-REC Menu"). If the error persists, itmay indicate that the card is not prop-erly formatted. Transfer all photo-graphs stored on the card to a com-puter and format the card as describedin "The Camera Menus: The A-RECMenu."This error occurs in playback modewhen the current folder contains noimages. Select a different folder fromthe FOLDERS menu. You will not beable to play back photos until at leastone photo has been recorded on thecard, although you will still be able touse the menus and the camera willfunction normally in M-REC and A-REC modes.The camera can not detect a flash-memory card. Turn the mode dial toOFF and confirm that the flash-memorycard has been correctly inserted in thecamera as described in "First Steps:Inserting and Removing Memory Cards."Use a Nikon memory card.DR CONTINO CAMAGESAINSTroubleshooting: Error Messages