COOLPIX 800の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全53ページ 2.31MB]
gizport - 2013-08-17 - 2.31MB
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- 19 -*To select a photo for viewing:Press the thumbnail () button onceto display a menu of nine previewimages, or press it twice for a menu offour images. A number at the bottomright corner of each preview gives theposition of the photograph in memory.Use the zoom buttons () to highlight the photo youwant to view, then press the shutter-release button to viewit at full size.3 View the information for the current pho-tograph. When first displayed, photo-graphs are shown with the following infor-mation: the time of recording, image qual-ity and size, folder name, file number andtype (JPEG or TIFF), the total number ofshots that can be played back, and a framenumber giving the position of the currentphotograph in memory.4 If desired, you can zoom in on the currentphoto by pressing the button. Thecenter portion of the image will be en-larged to fill the LCD monitor. Press the button once for a magnification of×2, twice for a magnification of ×3. Pressthe button a third time to view the photograph at full size.5 The image currently displayed can bedeleted by pressing the button. Thisbutton can also be used to delete thethumbnail currently selected in the pre-view list. Note that once deleted, photoscannot be recovered; be sure to makecopies of any photographs you wish tokeep, prior to deletion.99.04.1415:05NORMALVGA100NIKON0015.JPG [ 17/ 17]This dialog appears whenthe button is pressed.Highlight YES using thezoom buttons (), thenpress the shutter-releasebutton to delete the se-lected photograph. SelectNO to return to playbackmode leaving the photo-graph untouched. AUTODELETE1 IMAGEDELETEYESNOSET➔SHUTTERBKDate and timeof recordingFolderFile no. andtypeImage sizeand qualityFrame no./total framesvisibleUsing the Buttons (PLAY)