LS-30の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全49ページ 3.39MB]
gizport - 2013-09-08 - 3.39MB
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49page / 3.39MB
- 31 -Using the Scanner: Using the MA-20 SLIDE M OUNT A DAPTERSlides can be removed from the scanner by pressing the ejectbutton to eject the slide from the adapter and then pulling theslide the rest of the way out with your fingers.4 Cautions* Do not attempt to insert or eject slides while scanning is inprogress.* Do not move the scanner or subject it to shock or vibrationwhile scanning is in progress.* Slides must be between 1.0 mm and 3.2 mm in thickness.* If the surface of the mount is rough, you may experiencesome resistance when inserting or removing the slide.* Do not leave slides in the adapter for extended periods.