LS-30の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全49ページ 3.39MB]
gizport - 2013-09-08 - 3.39MB
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49page / 3.39MB
- 39 -Using the Scanner: Using the SA-20 STRIP F ILM A DAPTERCleaning the strip-film adapterIt is strongly recommended that you clean the SA-20 periodi-cally to prevent dust from damaging the film. If the film to bescanned is of particular value, it is recommended that you cleanthe adapter immediately before use. To clean the adapter,remove the adapter from the scanner and, with a coin orscrewdriver, loosen the screw on top of the adapter. Open theadapter and remove all dust with a blower. When you havefinished, close the adapter and, with a coin or screwdriver,tighten the screw on the top of the adapter until the top por-tion of the adapter is securely in place.Using the IX240 Film Adapter (IA-20)An optional adapter for scanning IX240 film with the LS-30 isavailable for separate purchase. To use the IX240 adapter,insert it into the scanner's adapter slot as shown below, sliding itin until it contacts the back of the slot. Push the adapter untilthe connector on the rear of the adapter is seated securely inthe socket at the back of the slot.