Optio E75の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全63ページ 1.49MB]
OPM OptioE75 EN.pdf
gizport - 2013-08-15
http://www.pentax.co.uk/.../OPM OptioE75 EN.pdf - 1.49MB
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63page / 1.49MB
41 Photo, Video & Audio PlaybackUsing the Playback MenuEnglish5. Press the Up/Down navigation buttons and the OK button to select from the following options:* Select to review the trimmed video clip.* Select to save the trimmed video clip as a new file or overwrite the original video. Select EXIT to discard the changes. * Select to return to the main menu. Note: The Divide function is only available when a video file is selected. Video clips shorter than one second cannot be edited.NEW FILEOVERWRITEEXIT
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