SC-02Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全182ページ 2.78MB]
gizport - 2013-08-14 - 2.78MB
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182page / 2.78MB
付録Body-worn operationThis device was tested for typical body-worn operationswith the back ofthe handset kept 1.0cm from the body. To maintain compliance withFCC RF exposure requirements, use accessoriesthat maintain a1.0 cm separation distancebetween the user's body and the backofthe handset. The use ofbelt clips, holstersand similar accessories should not containmetallic components inits assembly.Theuse ofaccessories that do not satisfy theserequirements may not comply with FCC RFexposure requirements, and should be avoided.TheFCC has granted an Equipment Authorizationfor this model handset with allreported SAR levels evaluated as incompliancewith the FCC RF emission guidelines.SAR information on this model handsetison file with the FCC and can be foundunder the Display Grant section of searchingon FCC ID A3LSWDSC02C.Additionalinformation on Specific Absorption Rates(SAR) can be found on the Cellular Telecommunications&Internet Association (CTIA)Website at
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