OptiPlex 755の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全170ページ 4.80MB]
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66 Quick Reference GuideDiagnostic Lights CAUTION: Before you begin any of the proc edures in this section, follow the safety instructions in the Product Information Guide .To help troubleshoot a problem, your co mputer has four lights labeled 1, 2, 3, and 4 on the front panel. When the computer starts normally, the lights flash before turning off. If the computer ma lfunctions, the sequence of the lights help to identify the problem. NOTE: After the computer complete s POST, all four lights turn off before booting to the operating system.Solid green and a beep code during POSTA problem was detected while the BIOS was executing.See "Beep Codes" on page 70 for instructions on diagnosing the beep code. Also, check the diagnostic lights to see if the specific problem is identified (see "Diagnostic Lights" on page 66).Solid green power light and no beep code and no video during POSTThe monitor or the graphics card may be faulty or incorrectly installed.Check the diagnostic lights to see if the specific problem is identified (see "Diagnostic Lights" on page 66). See "Video and Monitor Problems" in the User's Guide.Solid green power light and no beep code but the computer locks up during POSTAn integrated system board device may be faulty.Check the diagnostic lights to see if the specific problem is identified (see "Diagnostic Lights" on page 66). If the problem is not identified, contact Dell for technical assistance (see "Contacting Dell" in the User's Guide).Power Light Problem Desc ription Suggested Resolution
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