G530の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全162ページ 6.18MB]
gizport - 2013-08-17
http://download.lenovo.com/.../43n8878.pdf - 6.18MB
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162page / 6.18MB
86Chapter 7. Safety, use, and care informationProtect power cords and power adapte rs from liquids. For instance, donot leave your power cord or power ad apter near sinks, tubs, toilets, oron floors that are cleaned with liquid cleansers. Liquids can cause ashort circuit, particularly if the power cord or power adapter has beenstressed by misuse. Liquids also can cause gradual corrosion of powercord terminals and/or the connec tor terminals on a power adapter,which can eventually result in overheating.Always connect power cords and signal cables in the correct order andensure that all power cord connec tors are securely and completelyplugged into receptacles.Do not use any power adapter that shows corrosion at the ac inputpins or shows signs of overheating (such as deformed plastic) at the acinput or anywhere on the power adapter.Do not use any power cords where the electrical contacts on either endshow signs of corrosion or overheating or where the power cordappears to have been damaged in any way.