T-01Dの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全166ページ 7.45MB]
gizport - 2013-08-14
http://www.nttdocomo.co.jp/.../T-01D_J_OP_02.pdf - 7.45MB
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166page / 7.45MB
付録/索引152DRIVINGFull attention should be gi ven to driving at all times and local laws and regulations restricting the use of wireless devi ces while driving must be observed.HOSPITALSMobile phones should be switched off wherever you are requested to do so in hospitals, clinics or health care facilities. These requests are designed to prevent possible interference with sensitive medical equipment.PETROL STATIONSObey all posted signs with respect to the use of wireless devices or other radio equipment in locations with flammable material and chemicals. Switch off your wireless device whenever you are inst ructed to do so by authorized staff.INTERFERENCECare must be taken when using the phone in close proximity to personal medical devices, such as pacemakers and hearing aids.PacemakersPacemaker manufacturers recommend that a minimum separation of 15 cm be maintained between a mobile phone and a pace maker to avoid potential interference with the pacemaker. To achieve this use the phone on the opposite ear to your pacemaker and does not carry it in a breast pocket.Hearing AidsSome digital wireless phones may interfere with some hearing aids. In the event of such interference, you may want to consult your hearing aid manufacturer to discuss alternatives.For other Medical Devices :Please consult your physician and the device manufacturer to determine if operation of your phone may interfere with the operation of your medical device.無線LAN標準規格のIEEE802.11に基づき、無線LAN機器の相互接続性を保証するためにWi-Fi Allianceが実施している認証テストで、この認証テストにパスした製品のみ「Wi-Fi Certified」という設定が与えられ、Wi-Fiロゴがついた製品との相互接続が保証されます。❖ 認証取得内容■ IEEE Standard※1・IEEE 802.11b・IEEE 802.11g・IEEE 802.11n■ Security※2・WPA - Personal、Enterprise・WPA2 - Personal、EnterpriseVendor EAP Types※3・EAP-TLS・PEAPv0/EAP-MSCHAPv2■Multimedia・WMM※4■ Special Features・Wi-Fi Protected Setup ※5※1 無線LAN規格IEEE 802.11に基づいたWi-Fi認証のベースとなる規格です。※2 IEEE 802.11iに基づきWi-Fi Allianceが策定した無線LANの暗号化方式の規格です。WPAWi-Fi Protected Accessの略で、相互運用可能なセキュリティ拡張の標準化仕様です。暗号化方式はTemporal Key Integrity Protocol(TKIP)を使用します。WPA2IEEE 802.11i規格に準拠し、WPA 認証をさらに強化しており、下位互換性があります。Wi-Fiとは
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