Lenovo ノートパソコンの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全171ページ 13.84MB]
Gizbot 2013-08-16
http://download.lenovo.com/.../0a96085_03_j.pdf - 13.84MB
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171page / 13.84MB
DANGERBefore thecomputer ispowered onafter FRU replacement, make sure allscrews, springs, and other small parts areinplace andarenot left loose inside thecomputer. Verify this byshaking thecomputer and listening forrattling sounds. Metallic parts ormetal flakes can cause electrical shorts.DANGERSome standby batteries contain a small amount of nickel and cadmium. Do not disassemble a standby battery, recharge it, throw itinto fire or water, or short-circuit it. Dispose of the battery as required by local ordinances or regulations. Use only the battery inthe appropriate parts listing. Use of an incorrect battery can result in ignition or explosion of the battery.DANGERThe battery pack contains small amounts of nickel. Do not disassemble it, throw it into fire or water, or short-circuit it. Dispose ofthe battery pack as required by local ordinances or regulations. Use only the battery in the appropriate parts listing when replacingthebatterypack.Useofanincorrectbatterycanresultinignitionorexplosionofthebattery.DANGERThelithiumbatterycancauseafire,anexplosion,orasevereburn.Donotrechargeit,removeitspolarizedconnector,disassembleit,heatitabove100°C(212°F),incinerateit,orexposeitscellcontentstowater.Disposeofthebatteryasrequiredbylocalordinancesorregulations.Useonlythebatteryintheappropriatepartslisting.Useofanincorrectbatterycanresultinignitionorexplosionofthebattery.DANGERIftheLCDbreaksandthefluidfrominsidetheLCDgetsintoyoureyesoronyourhands,immediatelywashtheaffectedareaswithwaterforatleast15minutes.Seekmedicalcareifanysymptomsfromthefluidarepresentafterwashing.DANGERTo avoid shock, do not remove the plastic cover that protects the lower part of the inverter card.DANGER第 1 章 . 安 全 上 の 注 意 5