リコー モノクロレーザーの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全404ページ 9.97MB]
Gizbot 2013-08-18
http://www.ricoh.co.jp/.../software.pdf - 9.97MB
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404page / 9.97MB
11. 付録386112.Authors Name ListAll product names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective owners.The following notices are required to satisfy th e license terms of the software that we havementioned in this document:This product includes software developed by th e University of California, Berkeley and itscontributors.This product includes software developed by Jonathan R. Stone for the NetBSD Project.This product includes software developed by the NetBSD Foundation, Inc. and itscontributors.This product includes software developed by Manuel Bouyer.This product includes software developed by Charles Hannum.This product includes software developed by Charles M. Hannum.This product includes software deve loped by Christopher G. Demetriou.This product includes softwa re developed by TooLs GmbH.This product includes software developed by Terrence R. Lambert.This product includes software develo ped by Adam Glass and Charles Hannum.This product includes software developed by Theo de Raadt.This product includes software developed by Jonathan Stone and Jason R. Thorpe for theNetBSD Project.This product includes software developed by th e University of California, Lawrence BerkeleyLaboratory and its contributors.This product includes software developed by Christos Zoulas.This product includes software developed by Christopher G. Demetriou for the NetBSDProject.This product includes software developed by Paul Kranenburg.This product includes software developed by Adam Glass.This product includes software developed by Jonathan Stone.This product includes software developed by Jonathan Stone for the NetBSD Project.This product includes software de veloped by Winning Strategies, Inc.This product includes software developed by Frank van der Linden for the NetBSD Project.This product includes software developed fo r the NetBSD Project by Frank van der LindenThis product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Jason R. Thorpe.The software was developed by the University of California, Berkeley.This product includes software developed by Chris Provenzano, the University of California,Berkeley, and contributors.