キヤノン ビデオカメラの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全186ページ 9.95MB]
Gizbot 2013-08-19
http://gdlp01.c-wss.com/.../eosc300-eosc300pl-im4-c-en.pdf - 9.95MB
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186page / 9.95MB
Assignable ButtonsUsing an Assignable ButtonAfter you assign a function to one of the buttons, press the button to activate the function. For some functions,an options menu may appear. In such case, select the desired option and then press SET.100Assignable FunctionsFunctions can be set separately infunctions and available modes.mode andFunction namemode. Refer to the following table for assignableADescription[Peaking]Turns peaking on/off.Ü–70[Zebra]Turns zebra patterns on/off.Ü–72[WFM (LCD)]Activates video scopes in the following sequence:Waveform monitor Vectorscope OffÜÜ88[Edge Monitor]Turns the edge monitor on/off.Ü–88[Magnification]Turns magnification on/off.Ü–70[Color Bars]Turns color bars on/off.Ü–87[Markers]Turns onscreen markers on/off.Ü–71[LCD Setup]Opens the [LCD Setup] submenu.ÜÜ37[VF Setup]Opens the [VF Setup] submenu.ÜÜ37[LCD/VF B&W]Turns the B&W mode of the LCD and viewfinder on/off.ÜÜ37[Onscreen Display]Turns on/off the inclusion of onscreen displays on video output from the camcorder’sterminals (both HD and SD video output).ÜÜ130[Add Shot Mark 1]Adds an " mark to the clip.ÜÜ90[Add Shot Mark 2]*Adds an # mark to the clip.ÜÜ90[Add $ Mark]Adds an $ mark to the clip.ÜÜ120[Add % Mark]Adds a % mark to the clip.ÜÜ120[Time Code]Displays the [Time Code] submenu.Ü–73[Time Code Hold]*Puts the time code display on hold or resumes it.ÜÜ74[Headphone +]Increases the headphone volume.ÜÜ117[Headphone -]Reduces the headphone volume.ÜÜ117[Audio Output CH]Switches the audio output channel.ÜÜ131[Audio Level]Turns the audio level meter on/off.ÜÜ82, 83[Photo]*Records a photo.ÜÜ139[FUNC.]Enters the direct setting mode, replicating the function of the camcorder’s FUNC.button.Ü–57[FUNC. Shutter]Enters the direct setting mode with the shutter speed highlighted and ready to beadjusted.Ü–59[FUNC. ISO/Gain]Enters the direct setting mode with the ISO speed or gain value highlighted and readyto be adjusted.Ü–61[FUNC. WB]Enters the direct setting mode with the white balance highlighted and ready to beadjusted.Ü–66[My Menu]Opens the [My Menu] customized submenu.Ü–30[Initialize Media]Opens the [Initialize Media] submenu.ÜÜ43[User Setting(NONE)]*Customizable slot. Assign to the button any menu setting you would like to register.ÜÜ–C* Function can be used only by assigning it to a button.YPO