キヤノン ビデオカメラの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全186ページ 9.95MB]
Gizbot 2013-08-19
http://gdlp01.c-wss.com/.../eosc300-eosc300pl-im4-c-en.pdf - 9.95MB
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186page / 9.95MB
Recording VideoOnscreen DisplaysRefer to this section for an explanation of the various screen displays that appear inmode. You can usethe custom display function (A 110) to turn off individual onscreen displays if they are not required.52101112 1314151617181920212223241234567892526 27 28 29When displaying the date and time (A 28):31123456789101112131415C30YPORemaining battery time (A 53)CF card status/available recording time (A 53)Remaining recording time for double slotrecording (A 44)# Current focal length of an attached EF lens*ND filter (A 63)View assistance (A 109)Custom picture (A 101)Key lock (A 51)White balance (A 66)Wi-Fi ** (A 47) white - connected to a Wi-Finetwork; yellow - connecting to or disconnectingfrom a Wi-Fi network.Recording operation (A 53)Character recording (A 110)Genlock (A 77)Time code (A 73)Interval counter (A 93)16171819202122232425262728293031SD card statusBit rate/Resolution (A 55)Frame rate (A 55)Output displays (A 130)SDI recording command (A 155)User memo (A 85)User bit (A 76)Audio output channel (A 131)Audio level meter (A 82, 83)# Aperture value (A 64)ISO speed/Gain (A 61)Magnification (A 70)Shutter speed (A 58)Peaking (A 70)Audio peak limiter (A 82)Date/time (A 28)* The displayed value is an estimate.**Only when an optional WFT-E6 Wireless File Transmitter is connected to the camcorder.NOTES• You can press the DISP. button to turn onscreen displays on and off.