
レクサス 自動車の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全4ページ 0.45MB]

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5GS350/450h (US) NAVI 30C46U11.12.13 07:32To use this system in the safest possiblemanner, follow all the safety tips shown be-low.This system is intended to assist in reachingthe destination and, if used properly, can doso. The driver is solely responsible for thesafe operation of your vehicle and the safetyof your passengers.Do not use any feature of this system to theextent it becomes a distraction and pre-vents safe driving. The first priority whiledriving should always be the safe operationof the vehicle. While driving, be sure to ob-serve all traffic regulations. Prior to the actual use of this system, learnhow to use it and become thoroughly famil-iar with it. Read the entire Navigation Sys-tem Owner's Manual to make sure youunderstand the system. Do not allow otherpeople to use this system until they haveread and understood the instructions in thismanual.For your safety, some functions may be-come inoperable when driving. Unavailablescreen buttons are dimmed. Only when thevehicle is not moving, can the destinationand route selection be done.While driving, listen to the voice instructionsas much as possible and glance at thescreen briefly and only when it is safe. How-ever, do not totally rely on voice guidance.Use it just for reference. If the system can-not determine the current position correct-ly, there is a possibility of incorrect, late, ornon-voice guidance.The data in the system may occasionally beincomplete. Road conditions, includingdriving restrictions (no left turns, street clo-sures, etc.) frequently change. Therefore,before following any instructions from thesystem, look to see whether the instructioncan be done safely and legally.This system cannot warn about such thingsas the safety of an area, condition of streets,and availability of emergency services. If un-sure about the safety of an area, do not driveinto it. Under no circumstances is this sys-tem a substitute for the driver's personaljudgement.Use this system only in locations where it islegal to do so. Some states/provinces mayhave laws prohibiting the use of video andnavigation screens next to the driver.SAFETY INSTRUCTIONCAUTION●For safety, the driver should not operatethe navigation system while he/she isdriving. Insufficient attention to the roadand traffic may cause an accident.●While driving, be sure to obey the trafficregulations and maintain awareness ofthe road conditions. If a traffic sign on theroad has been changed, route guidancemay not have the updated informationsuch as the direction of a one way street.



  • 1 .
    2GS350/450h (US) NAVI ...
    2GS350/450h (US) NAVI 30C46U11.12.13 07:32IntroductionThis manual explains the operation of the Navigation System. Please read this manualcarefully to ensure proper use. Keep th is manual in your vehicle at all times.The screen shots in this docume...
  • 2 .
    3GS350/450h (US) NAVI ...
    3GS350/450h (US) NAVI 30C46U11.12.13 07:32For safety reasons, this manual indicates it ems requiring particular attention with thefollowing marks.IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THIS MANUALCAUTION●This is a warning against anything which ma y cause inju...
  • 3 .
    4GS350/450h (US) NAVI ...
    4GS350/450h (US) NAVI 30C46U11.12.13 07:32■INFORMATION FOR HYBRID VEHICL ES IS WRITTEN IN BRACKETSNEXT TO THE INFORMATIO N FOR GASOLINE VEHICLESDifferent writing styles for gasoline and hybrid vehicleswExampleWhen the engine*1 *2 switch is i...
  • 4 .
    5GS350/450h (US) NAVI ...
    5GS350/450h (US) NAVI 30C46U11.12.13 07:32To use this system in the safest possiblemanner, follow all the safety tips shown be-low.This system is intended to assist in reachingthe destination and, if used properly, can doso. The driver is solely res...

