パナソニック ソフトバンク(SoftBank)の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全324ページ 18.54MB]
Gizbot 2013-08-23
http://cdn.softbank.jp/.../103p_userguide.pdf - 18.54MB
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324page / 18.54MB
CopyrightsPortrait RightsIndividuals have the right to refuse being photographed orpublication or use of their image. Personality rights, or Right ofPublicity, is a form of property right designed to protect celebrityinterests that applies to all people. Be careful when usinghandset Camera. Photographing or distributing the images ofothers without permission is unlawful.CopyrightsSounds, images, computer programs, databases, other copyrightedmaterials, their respective works and copyright holders areprotected by copyright laws. Duplicated materials are limited toprivate use only. If duplications (including conversion of datatypes), modifications, transfer of duplicates or distribution onnetworks are made without permission of copyright holders, itconstitutes "Literary Piracy" and "Infringement of CopyrightHolder Rights" and a lawsuit for reparations may be filed andmay result in criminal punishment. If duplicates are made usinghandset, please observe the copyright laws. Materials capturedwith handset Camera are also subject to the above.Do not copy, modify, separate from hardware, disassemble,decompile or reverse engineer the whole or part of thesoftware installed in this product without permission of thecopyright holder, and do not have any third party do the same,nor utilize any consequences of such deeds.xxxvi