パナソニック ソフトバンク(SoftBank)の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全324ページ 18.54MB]
Gizbot 2013-08-23
http://cdn.softbank.jp/.../103p_userguide.pdf - 18.54MB
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324page / 18.54MB
RF Exposure Information/Specific AbsorptionRate (SAR) InformationThis mobile phone 103P meets the MIC's**** technical regulation forexposure to radio waves.The technical regulation* established permitted levels of radio frequencyenergy, based on standards developed by independent scientificorganizations through periodic and thorough evaluation of scientificstudies.The regulation employs a unit of measurement known as the SpecificAbsorption Rate, or SAR.The SAR limit is 2 watts/kilogram (W/kg) ** averaged over ten grams oftissue.The limit includes a substantial safety margin designed to assure the safetyof all persons, regardless of age and health.The value of the limit is equal to the international guidelines recommendedby ICNIRP*****.The highest SAR value for this mobile phone is 0.889 W/kg when tested foruse at the ear.While there may be differences between the SAR levels of various phonesand at various positions, all phones meet MIC's technical regulation.Although the SAR is determined at the highest certified power level, theactual SAR of the phone during operation can be well below the maximumvalue.Use at positions other than at the earThis mobile phone may be used at positions other than at the ear. By usingan accessory such as a belt clip holster that maintains a 1.5 cm separationwith no metal (parts) between the body and the mobile phone, this mobilephone will comply with international guidelines for radio wave protection(***).The World Health Organization has announced that "A large number ofstudies have been performed over the last two decades to assess whethermobile phones pose a potential health risk. To date, no adverse healtheffects have been established as being caused by mobile phone use."xxxiiFor more information about SAR, see the following websites:Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC)http://www.tele.soumu.go.jp/e/sys/ele/body/index.htmAssociation of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB)http://www.arib-emf.org/index02.html (Japanese)* The technical regulation is provided in Article 14-2 of the MinistryOrdinance Regulating Radio Equipment.** Provided for in "Radio-radiation protection guidelines", reported in1997 by the Telecommunications Technology Council, Ministry of Posts andTelecommunications.*** A method of measuring SAR when a mobile phone is used at positionsother than at the ear was established in March 2010 through aninternational standard (IEC62209-2). MIC technical regulation wasreported in October 2011 by the Information and Communications Council.**** Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications***** International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation ProtectionStandards of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) of the U.S.Government and information from the E.U. are given as informationrelating to RF exposure. For details, see "FCC RF Exposure Information"and "European RF Exposure Information".