レクサス 自動車の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全30ページ 0.88MB]
Gizbot 2013-08-27
http://drivers.lexus.com/.../06.pdf - 0.88MB
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30page / 0.88MB
LEXUS ENFORM WITH SAFETY CONNECT132CAUTIONExposure to radio frequency signals:The Lexus Enform with Safety Con-nect system installed in your vehicleis a low power radio transmitter andreceiver. The system receives andalso sends out radio frequency (RF)signals.In August 1996, the Federal Commu-nications Commission (FCC)adopted RF exposure guidelines withsafety levels for mobile wirelessphones. Those guidelines are con-sistent with the safety standards pre-viously set by both U.S. and interna-tional standards bodies. ANSI (American National Stan-dards Institute) C95.1 [1992] NCRP (National Council on Radi-ation Protection and Measure-ment) Report 86 [1986] ICNIRP (International Commissionon Non−Ionizing Radiation Protec-tion) [1996]Those standards were based on com-prehensive and periodic evaluationsof the relevant scientific literature.Over 120 scientists, engineers, andphysicians from universities, gov-ernment health agencies, and indus-try reviewed the available body of re-search to develop the ANSI Standard(C95.1).The design of Lexus Enform withSafety Connect complies with theFCC guidelines in addition to thosestandards.INFORMATIONAvailable beginning Fall 2009 onselect Lexus models. Contact withthe Lexus Enform response centeris dependent upon the telematicsdevice being in operative condi-tion, cellular connection availabil-ity, navigation map data, and GPSsatellite signal reception, whichcan limit the ability to reach the re-sponse center or receive support.Enrollment and Telematics Sub-scription Service Agreement re-quired. A variety of subscriptionterms is available; charges vary bysubscription term selected.The Lexus Enform response centerwill offer support in multiple lan-guages.Select Lexus Enform −subscribedvehicles are capable of communi-cating vehicle information, trigger-ing owner reminder notifications.Owners who do not wish to havetheir vehicle transmit this informa-tion can opt out of the service at thetime of enrollment or by calling1−800−255−3987 and follow theprompt for Safety Connect/LexusEnform.For further details about the ser-vice, contact your Lexus dealer.Lexus Enform with Safety Connectservices are not subject to section255 of the Telecommunications Actand the device is not TTY compat-ible.