アップル 液晶モニタ・液晶ディスプレイの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全86ページ 2.81MB]
Gizbot 2013-09-03
http://manuals.info.apple.com/.../LED_Cinema_Display_27-inch_UG_2A.pdf - 2.81MB
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86page / 2.81MB
10EnglishSetting Up Sound Input and OutputYou can listen to music, movies, games, and multimedia iles through the speaker system on your display. You can use the microphone to record sounds, or talk with friends using iChat. Use Sound preferences to manage sound input and output. To set up sound input:1 Choose Apple () > System Preferences, and then click Sound. 2 Click the Input tab in Sound preferences. 3 Choose Display Audio to input sound through your display’s microphone.To set up sound output:1 Choose Apple () > System Preferences, and then click Sound. 2 Click the Output tab in Sound preferences. 3 Choose Display Audio to hear sound through your display’s speaker system.If your Mac computer supports sound output through the Mini DisplayPort in addition to the USB port, you can choose either Mini DisplayPort or USB Audio for audio output.These sound settings are used whenever your computer is connected to your display. They remain in efect until you change them.