アップル 液晶モニタ・液晶ディスプレイの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全86ページ 2.81MB]
Gizbot 2013-09-03
http://manuals.info.apple.com/.../LED_Cinema_Display_27-inch_UG_2A.pdf - 2.81MB
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86page / 2.81MB
15EnglishErgonomicsHere are some guidelines for adjusting your display to reduce glare and to accommodate your physical size and shape. ÂArrange the display so that the top of the screen is slightly below your eye level when you’re sitting at the keyboard. The best distance from your eyes to the screen is up to you, although most people tend to prefer 18 to 28 inches (45 to 70 cm). ÂPosition the display by tilting it up or down to minimize glare and relections from overhead lights and nearby windows.Thighs tiltedslightlyShouldersrelaxedScreen positioned toavoid reflected glareForearms andhands in astraight lineForearms levelor tilted slightlyLower backsupportedFeet flat on the flooror on a footrestTop of the screen at orslightly below eye leve l(You may need to adjustthe height of your displa yby raising or lower ingyour work surface)Clearance underwork surface18-28 in. (45-70 cm)For more information about health, safety, and maintenance, go to the Apple ergonomic website at www.apple.com/about/ergonomics.