レクサス 自動車の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全32ページ 0.36MB]
Gizbot 2013-09-11
http://drivers.lexus.com/.../L-MMS-09passcars.pdf - 0.36MB
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Intr oductionMAINTENANCE AND LEXUS W ARR ANTY C OVER AGEMAINTENANCE40Maint aining y our v ehicle accor ding tothe r ecommendations in this bookletis requir ed to ensur e that y our w ar-ranty co verage r emains int act. Y oushould k eep det ailed r ecor ds of v ehi-cle maintenance, including date ofservice, mileage at time of ser viceand a description of ser vice and/ orparts inst allation per formed. Themaintenance logs in this booklet ar e agood place to r ecor d this information.If you sell y our v ehicle, be sur e to giv eyour maintenance r ecor ds to the ne wowner .Lexus will not deny a w arranty claimsolely because y ou do not ha verecor ds to sho w that y ou maint ainedyour v ehicle. Ho wever, damage orfailur es caused b y lack of pr opermaintenance ar e not co verwarranty.Maintenance and r epair ser vices maybe per formed b y you or b y any au to-motiv e ser vice pr ovider y ou choose.Lexus will not deny a w arranty claimsolely because y ou used a ser viceprovider other than a L exus dealer-ship for maintenance and r epair s.However, damage or failur es causedby impr oper maintenance or r epair sare not co ver arranty.Your dealer may r ecommend mor efrequent maintenance inter vals ormore maintenance ser vices thanthose listed in the scheduled mainte -nance log. These additional ser vicesare not r equir ed to maint ain y our w ar-ranty co verage. Ask y our dealer foran e xplanation of any r ecommendedmaintenance not included in thescheduled maintenance log.For a complete description ofLexus w arranty co verages, seepages 16-3 3 of this booklet.81183_09_LexusSedans_039_045a_R1 7/2/08 7:26 AM Page 40