レクサス 自動車の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全32ページ 0.36MB]
Gizbot 2013-09-11
http://drivers.lexus.com/.../L-MMS-09passcars.pdf - 0.36MB
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32page / 0.36MB
Intr oductionLEXUS DEALERSHIP SER VICEMAINTENANCE41To ensur e that y our v ehicle r eceiv esfirst-qualit y ser vice and factor y-authoriz ed par ts, L exus r ecommendshaving maintenance per formed b y an au thoriz ed L exus dealer ship . Tolocate y our near est au thoriz ed L exusdealer ship , cont act L exus CustomerSatisfaction at (800) 255-398 7 orlog on to w w.lexus. com.Lexus dealer ship technicians ar eexper ts in the maintenance and r epairof Lexus v ehicles. They st ay curr enton the latest ser vice informationthrough L exus technical bulletins,service publications and tr ainingcour ses. Many ar e also cer tifiedthrough the L exus C ommitment toPerfection C ertification P rogram,which r equir es specializ ed, st ate-of -the-ar t training as w ell as rigor ousexams thr ough both L exus and theNational Instit ute for A utomotiv eService Ex cellence.Additionally , when y ou ha ve yourvehicle ser viced at a L exus dealer-ship , your ser vice information isrecor ded in the L exus NationalService Histor y dat abase. This is thefirst dat abase of its kind in the au to-motiv e industr y. It can be acces sed b yany L exus dealer ship in the U .S. - agreat con venience if y ou r elocate orneed to ha ve your v ehicle ser vicedwhile tr aveling.You can be confident y ou're gettingthe best pos sible ser vice for y ourvehicle when y ou take it to a L exusdealer ship . Don't trust y our in vest-ment to any thing les s than a team ofLexus specialists.Maintenance and r epair s notperformed b y an au thoriz edLexus dealer ship should be per-formed b y a qualified technicianfollo wing pr ocedur es in L exusservice and r epair publications.81183_09_LexusSedans_039_045a_R1 7/2/08 7:26 AM Page 41