レクサス 自動車の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全32ページ 0.36MB]
Gizbot 2013-09-11
http://drivers.lexus.com/.../L-MMS-09passcars.pdf - 0.36MB
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32page / 0.36MB
Intr oductionGENER AL MAINTENANCE AND REGUL AR USEMAINTENANCE42In addition to scheduled maintenance,your L exus r equir es ongoing gener almaintenance such as fluid checks andvisual inspections. The r ecommendedguidelines for inspections ar e listedbelo w. Please r efer to the "Mainte-nance" section of the O wner 's Manualfor a det ailed description of inspec-tion pr ocedur es.When R efuelingWhen r efueling, per form theseinspections:*Check engine oil le vel using the dipstick*Visually check engine coolantlevel on the see-thr ough reser voir (under co ver)*Visually check br ake fluid le velon the see-thr ough r eser voir*Visually check po wer steeringfluid le vel on the see-thr oughreser voir (under co ver)*Visually check condition of batter y (under co ver)*Check le vel of windshield washer fluidEvery 30 D aysAt least once e very 30 day s, per formthese inspections:*Check tir e pr essure*Check tir es for damage and w earWhen Cleaning the Interior *Remo ve dir t and dust with a vacuum cleaner . W ipe dir ty sur-faces with a sof t cloth dampenedwith w arm w ater . *When cleaning carpet or clothinterior , remo ve dir t and dustwith a v acuum cleaner . Apply a foaming-t ype carpet cleaner with a sponge or brush, allo wingcleaner to w ork for a fe w min-utes to loosen dir t. C ontinue b yrubbing carpet or cloth interiorin a cir cular motion. W ipe of f anyexcess cleaner with a clean cloth.If any dir t remains, r epeat pr oces s.Best r esults ar e obt ained b ykeeping carpet and cloth interioras dr y as pos sible. *When cleaning leather interior ,remo ve dir t and dust with a vacuum cleaner . Using a sponge,apply a small amount of neu tral81183_09_LexusSedans_039_045a_R1 7/2/08 7:27 AM Page 42