レクサス 自動車の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全32ページ 0.36MB]
Gizbot 2013-09-11
http://drivers.lexus.com/.../L-MMS-09passcars.pdf - 0.36MB
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EXPL ANA TION OF MAINTENANCE ITEMSMAINTENANCEScheduled Maint enanc e Log 66The follo wing descriptions ar e pr ovid-ed to giv e you a better under standingof the maintenance ser vices thatshould be per formed on y our v ehicle.The scheduled maintenance log indi -cates at which time/ mileage inter valseach ser vice should be per formed.Please note that many maintenanceservices should be per formed only by a qualified technician.Air Conditioner FilterClean or r eplace at specified inter-vals. Mor e frequent cleaning orreplacement may be r equir ed whendriving in dust y conditions. Axle Shaf t Boo tsCheck the axle shaf t boots andclamps for cr acks, deterior ation anddamage. R eplace any damaged par tsand, if neces sary, repack the gr ease.A qualified technician should per formthese oper ations.Ball Joints and Dust Co versCheck the suspension and steeringlink age ball joints for loosenes s anddamage. Check all dust co vers fordeterior ation and damage. A qualifiedtechnician should per form theseinspections.Body InspectionVisually check for corr osion, scr atch-es and other damage. Check ou terbody panels, inner panels of the hoodand door s, and underneath the v ehi-cle. Apply touch-up paint to any chipsand scr atches or ha ve them r epair edby a qualified technician.Brake FluidReplace using fluid t ype specified in y our O wner 's Manual. A qualifiedtechnician should per form this oper ation.Brake Lines and HosesVisually inspect for pr oper inst allation.Check for chafing, cr acks, deterior a-tion and signs of leak age. R eplace any deterior ated or damaged par ts. A qualified technician should per formthese oper ations.For fur ther information on maintenance ser vices that y oucan per form y ourself, see themaintenance sections of y ourOwner 's Manual.81183_09_LexusSedans_046_080f_R1 7/2/08 7:51 AM Page 66