H NFIN INulityontrolYoumayhavenoticedafewmilesontheodometerwhenyoutokdeliveryofyourLexus.Thismileageisaresultofthecomprehensiveprocesusedtoensurethequalityofyourvehicle.Thisprocesincludesextensivein...
H NFIN INitionlysfyourequireaditionalkeyscalorvisitanauthorizedLexusdealership.Youwilnedtoprovidethedealer-shipwithyourvehicle'skeycodefoundonthekeynumberplatepro-videdwithyouroriginalsetofkeys...
W RTY OVRST I Ne w V ehicle Limited W ar antyB a s icP o w er tr ainSpecific C omponentsR e s tr aint S y s t emsC o r o s ion P er for ationD e f ectPe r formanceP e r formanceLo n g- T erm D efectEmis ion Contr ol...
E IEF ELE IEEIc Regular maintenance is esential to obtaining the highest level of per-formance, safety and reliability fromyour Lexus. It can also enhance yourvehicle’s resale value. This section of t...
IEE LE EGEIc Maintaining your vehicle acording tothe recomendations in this bokletis required to ensure that your war-ranty coverage remains intact. Youshould kep detailed records of vehi-cle main...
LE ELEI EIEIc To ensure that your vehicle receivesfirst-quality service and factory-authorized parts, Lexus recomendshaving maintenance performed by an authorized Lexus dealership. Tolocate your nearest authorize...
G EEL IEE EGL EIc In adition to scheduled maintenance,your Lexus requires ongoing generalmaintenance such as fluid checks andvisual inspections. The recomendedguidelines for inspections are listedbelow. P...
G EEL IEE EGL EIc wol detergent mixed in water,rubing in a circular motion.Wipe of any exces detergentand let leather dry in an open-airlocation. tExtrr*Working from top to botom,aply ...
ELE IEE LGcMaacL DtrurMttrvMtsvsMLexus recomends obtaining sched-uled maintenance for your vehicleevery six months or 5,00 miles,whichever ocurs first. For example: ...
ELE IEE LGcMaacL tryLxusrsztsYour vehicle includes a variety of elec-tronic features that can be personal-ized to your preferences. For example,dors can be programed to remainl...
f y o u r n a m e o r a d r e sh a s c h a n g e d o r i f y o u p u r c h a s e d y o u r L e x u s a s a u s e d v e h i c l e p l e a s e c o m p l e t e a n d m a i l o n e o f t h e a t a c h e d c a r d ...
This information is obt ained solely for the use of L e xus. L e xus oc asional y sends specialpr omotional of er s to r egister ed o wner s. Check her e if y ou pr efer not to r eceiv e these of er s.Check her e ifad r es belo wis for company: oFir st n...