レクサス 自動車の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全83ページ 0.62MB]
2007 Lexus sedans WSG revised 10-9-12.pdf
Gizbot 2013-09-12
http://drivers.lexus.com/.../2007 Lexus sedans WSG revised 10-9-12.pdf - 0.62MB
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83page / 0.62MB
ELE IEE LGcMaacL DtrurMttrvMtsvsMLexus recomends obtaining sched-uled maintenance for your vehicleevery six months or 5,00 miles,whichever ocurs first. For example: *If at six months you have drivenles than 5,00 miles, youshould obtain maintenance at sxonts; don’t wait until 5,00miles. *If you drive 5,00 miles in lesthan six months, you shouldobtain maintenance at s; don’t wait until six months.Be sure to kep an eye on yourmileage so that you obtain mainte-nance when recomended. If you area low-mileage driver, mark your cal-endar to remind yourself to obtainmaintenance every six months. tryFrstuMtrvLexus provides your first scheduledmaintenance service at no charge.The service is performed at sixmonths or 5,00 miles, whicheverocurs first, and includes the serviceitems listed on page 46. To obtain thiscomplimentary scheduled mainte-nance service, contact your Lexusdealership.