レクサス 自動車の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全92ページ 1.28MB]
Gizbot 2013-09-16
http://drivers.lexus.com/.../07.pdf - 1.28MB
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92page / 1.28MB
AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM243(h) DVD player and DVD video disc in-formationDVD VIDEO DISCSThis DVD player conforms to NTSC col-or TV formats. The DVD video disc con-forming to another formats such asPAL or SECAM cannot be used.Region codes: Some DVD video discshave a region code indicating a countrywhere you can use the DVD video disc onthis DVD player. If the DVD video disc isnot labeled as ALL or 1, you cannot useit on this DVD player. If you attempt to playan inappropriate DVD video disc on thisplayer, Region code error appears on thescreen. Even if the DVD video disc doesnot have a region code, there is a case thatyou cannot use it.Marks shown on DVD video discs:Indicates NTSCformat of color TV.Indicates the numberof audio tracks.Indicates the numberof language subtitles.Indicates the numberof angles.Indicates the screen tobe selected.Wide screen: 16:9Standard: 4:3Indicates a region codeby which this video disccan be played.ALL: in all countriesNumber: region code