レクサス 自動車の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全90ページ 0.59MB]
Gizbot 2013-09-23
http://drivers.lexus.com/.../07.pdf - 0.59MB
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90page / 0.59MB
AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM224(e) Operating a DVD discNOTE: The playback condition of someDVD discs may be determined by a DVDsoftware producer. This DVD changerplays a disc as the software producerintended. So some functions may notwork properly. Be sure to read theinstruction manual for the DVD discseparately provided. For the detailedinformation about DVD video discs, see(h) DVD player and DVD video discinformation on page 241.Precautions on DVD video discWhen recording with a DVD video or videoCD, audio tracks may not record in somecases while the menu is displayed. As au-dio will not play in this case, verify that thevideo tracks are playing and then activateplayback.When playback of a disc is completed: If an audio CD or MP3 disc is playing,the first track or file starts. If a DVD video or video CD is playing,playback will stop or the menu screenwill be displayed.The title/chapter number and playbacktime display may not appear while playingback certain DVD video discs.CAUTIONConversational speech on someDVDs is recorded at a low volume toemphasize the impact of sound ef-fects. If you adjust the volume as-suming that the co nversations repre-sent the maximum volume level thatthe DVD will play, you may be startledby louder sound effects or when youchange to a different audio source.The louder sounds may have a signif-icant impact on the human body orpose a driving hazard. Keep this inmind when you adjust the volume.