レクサス 自動車の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全64ページ 0.80MB]
Gizbot 2013-09-24
http://drivers.lexus.com/.../6.pdf - 0.80MB
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64page / 0.80MB
AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM242FMFading and drifting stations - General-ly, the effective range of FM is about 40 km(25 miles). Once outside this range, youmay notice fading and drifting, which in-crease with the distance from the radiotransmitter. They are often accompaniedby distortion.Multi−path - FM signals are reflective,making it possible for two signals to reachyour antenna at the same time. If this hap-pens, the signals will cancel each otherout, causing a momentary flutter or loss ofreception.Static and fluttering - These occurwhen signals are blocked by buildings,trees, or other large objects. Increasingthe bass level may reduce static and flut-tering.Station swapping - If the FM signal youare listening to is interrupted or weakened,and there is another strong station nearbyon the FM band, your radio may tune in thesecond station until the original signal canbe picked up again.AMFading - AM broadcasts are reflected bythe upper atmosphere - especially atnight. These reflected signals can inter-fere with those received directly from theradio station, causing the radio station tosound alternately strong and weak.Station interference - When a reflectedsignal and a signal received directly froma radio station are very nearly the samefrequency, they can interfere with eachother, making it difficult to hear the broad-cast.Static - AM is easily affected by externalsources of electrical noise, such as hightension power lines, lightening, or electri-cal motors. This results in static.MP3/WMA files MP3 (MPEG Audio Layer 3) and WMA(Windows Media Audio) are audiocompression standards. The MP3/WMA player can play MP3and WMA files on CD −ROM, CD−Rand CD−RW discs.The unit can play disc recordings com-patible with ISO 9660 level 1 and level2 and with the Romeo and Joliet filesystem. When naming an MP3 or WMA file, addthe appropriate file extension (.mp3 or.wma). The MP3/WMA player plays back fileswith .mp3 or .wma file extensions asMP3 or WMA files. To prevent noiseand playback errors, use the appropri-ate file extensions. The player can play only the first ses-sion using multi−session compatibleCDs. MP3 files are compatible with the ID3Tag Ver. 1.0, Ver. 1.1, Ver. 2.2, and Ver.2.3 formats. The unit cannot displaydisc title, track title and artist name inother formats. WMA files can contain a WMA tag thatis used in the same way as an ID3 tag.WMA tags carry information such astrack title, artist name. The emphasis function is availableonly when playing MP3/WMA files re-corded at 32, 44.1 and 48 kHz. (Thesystem can play MP3 files with sam-pling frequencies of 16, 22.05, and 24kHz. However, the emphasis functionis not available for files recorded atthese frequencies.)