NECカシオモバイルコミュニケーションズ スマートフォンの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全191ページ 9.22MB]
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174 付録/索引Radio Frequency (RF) SignalsTHIS MODEL PHONE MEETS THE U.S.GOVERNMENT'S REQUIREMENTS FOREXPOSURE TO RADIO WAVES.Your wireless phone contains a radiotransmitter and receiver. Your phone isdesigned and manufactured not to exceed theemission limits for exposure to radio frequency(RF) energy set by the Federal CommunicationsCommission of the U.S. Government. Theselimits are part of comprehensive guidelines andestablish permitted levels of RF energy for thegeneral population. The guidelines are based onstandards that were developed by independentscientific organizations through periodic andthorough evaluation of scientific studies.The exposure standard for wireless mobilephones employs a unit of measurementknown as the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR).The SAR limit set by the FCC is 1.6 W/kg.*Tests for SAR are conducted using standardoperating positions accepted by the FCC withthe phone transmitting at its highest certifiedpower level in all tested frequency bands.Although the SAR is determined at thehighest certified power level, the actual SARlevel of the phone while operating can be wellbelow the maximum value. This is becausethe phone is designed to operate at multiplepower levels so as to use only the powerrequired to reach the network. In general, thecloser you are to a wireless base stationantenna, the lower the output.Before a phone model is available for sale tothe public, it must be tested and certified tothe FCC that it does not exceed the limitestablished by the U.S. government-adoptedrequirement for safe exposure. The tests areperformed on position and locations (forexample, at the ear and worn on the body) asrequired by FCC for each model. The highestSAR value for this model phone as reportedto the FCC when tested for use at the ear is0.66 W/kg, and when worn on the body, is1.06 W/kg. (Body-worn measurements differamong phone models, depending uponavailable accessories and FCC requirements).While there may be differences between theSAR levels of various phones and at variouspositions, they all meet the U.S. governmentrequirement.The FCC has granted an EquipmentAuthorization for this model phone with allreported SAR levels evaluated as incompliance with the FCC RF exposureguidelines. SAR information on this modelphone is on file with the FCC and can befound under the Display Grant section at after search on FCC IDA98-QOE9653.For body worn operation, this phone has beentested and meets the FCC RF exposureguidelines when used with an accessorydesignated for this product or when used withan accessory that contains no metal and thatpositions the handset a minimum of 1.0 cmfrom the body.Non-compliance with the above restrictionsmay result in violation of FCC RF Exposureguidelines.--------------------------------------------------------------------------