Appendix A. NoticesLenovo may not offer the products, services, orfeatur esdiscussed inthis document inallcountries. Consultyour local Lenovo representative forinformation onthe products and services curr ently available inyourarea. Any refer ence toaLenovo product, program, orservice isnot intended tostat eorimply that only thatLenovo product, program, orservice may beused. Any functionally equivalent product, program, orservicethat does not infringe any Lenovo intellectual proper tyright may beused inst ead. However ,itisthe user'sresponsibility toevaluat eand verify the oper ation ofany other product, program, orservice.Lenovo may have patents orpending patent applications covering subject matt erdescribed inthisdocument. The furnishing ofthis document does not give you any license tothese patents. Youcan sendlicense inquiries, inwriting, to:Lenovo (Unit edStates), Inc.1009 Think Place -Building OneMorrisville, NC 27560U.S.A.Attention: Lenovo DirectorofLicensingLENO VOPRO VIDES THIS PUBLIC ATION “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANT YOF ANY KIND ,EITHER EXPRESSOR IMPLIED ,INCL UDING, BUT NOTLIMITED TO,THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT ,MERCHANT ABILIT YOR FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some jurisdictions donot allowdisclaimer ofexpress orimplied warr anties incertain transactions, ther efor e,this stat ement may not applytoyou.This information could include technical inaccur acies ortypogr aphical errors. Changes areperiodicallymade tothe information herein; these changes will beincorpor atedinnew editions ofthe publication.Lenovo may mak eimpr ovements and/or changes inthe product(s) and/or the program(s) described inthispublication atany time without notice.The products described inthis document arenot intended foruse inimplantation orother life suppor tapplications wher emalfunction may result ininjur yordeath topersons. The information contained inthisdocument does not affect orchange Lenovo product speciications orwarr anties. Nothing inthis documentshall oper ateasanexpress orimplied license orindemnity under the intellectual proper tyrights ofLenovoorthirdparties. Allinformation contained inthis document was obtained inspeciic envir onments and ispresent edasanillustr ation. The result obtained inother oper ating envir onments may vary.Lenovo may use ordistribut eany ofthe information you supply inany way itbelieves appr opriat ewithoutincurring any obligation toyou.Any refer ences inthis publication tonon-L enovo Websitesareprovided forconvenience only and donot inany manner serveasanendorsement ofthose Websites. The mat erials atthose Websitesarenot partofthe mat erials forthis Lenovo product, and use ofthose Websitesisatyour own risk.Any performance data contained herein was determined inacontr olled envir onment. Ther efor e,theresult inother oper ating envir onments may varysigniicantly .Some measur ements may have been madeondevelopment-level syst ems and ther eisnoguar anteethat these measur ements will bethe sameongener ally available syst ems. Furthermor e,some measur ements may have been estimat edthroughextrapolation. Actual results may vary.Users ofthis document should verify the applicable data fortheirspeciic envir onment.©Copyright Lenovo 201117