The LenovoConigSettings section provides contr olforthe security and encr yption forthe ThinkP adTablet. Itimpor tsconigur ation settings such asWiFiproiles, corpor atedomain servers, virtual privat enetworks, andcertiicat es. Once these areapplied, they cannot bedelet ed.The LenovoP olicySettings section allows you toset contr ols forthe various functions ofthe ThinkP adtabletsuch asthe camer a,micr ophone, SD cardsand Bluet ooth, and Wiiradios. Any ofthese functions can beenabled ordisabled depending onyour corpor atepolicy .The Andr oidP olicySetting section isused toset uppolicy settings suppor tednatively byAndr oid, includingstorage encr yption, passwor dlength, number ofnumbers and letters requir ed.Not ethat aUUID isrequir edforeach XML ile that you create.Ifyou want toover writ eorremove any existingpolicies, you can send down anew ile with the same UUID ofthe existing applied policy, and itwill over writ ethe existing ile. Since multiple XML iles (with differ ent UUIDs)can beresident onthe ThinkP adTablet, theile with the strongest policies will beapplied. Forexample, ifyou have anXML ile that requir esonly anumeric passwor dand another ile with adiffer ent UUID that requir esalonger ,alphanumeric passwor d,theile with the alphanumeric passwor dwill beapplied.The following tables provide information onsettings forthe XML ile. The table headers are:•Setting -The setting inthe xml ile that you can use requir eauser tolog intoacorpor ateserver ortoalloorprevent user from using acertain function requir eofthe device.•Paramet er-The ields inthe setting that you assign avalue forthe user toillin•Value -The requir edvalue you need toenterforthat ield such asserver addr ess, user id,Yes/No andsoon.•Not es-Any special notesthat apply toasetting.Table 1.LenovoConigSettingsSetting Paramet er Values Not esEmail Account •Type•SSL•AcceptAllCer ts•Exchange•Yes/No•Yes/NoMicr osoft Exchange isthe only suppor tedemailtype atthis time.Domain Ser ver •Ser verAddr ess•UserID•Passwor d•Ser ver addr ess•User ID•Passwor d•Ser ver addr ess isrequir ed•Optional•OptionalCer tiicat eType•Type•Name•Filename/Encoded•Root/User•Cer tiicat eName•?Cer tiicat esmay beincluded inthe XML ileinaBase-64 encodedformat.VPN •PPTP–Name–Ser ver–Over writ eIfExists–DNSSear chDomain–DNSSear chDomain–Encr yption•L2TP–Name•Point-t oPoint Tunneling Protocol–Protocol names–Ser ver IPaddr ess–Yes/No–Domain IPAddr ess–Domain IPaddr ess–Yes/No•Layer 2Tunnel Protocol–Name ofthe server6 ThinkP adTablet Deployment Guide