パナソニック FAXの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全282ページ 6.70MB]
Gizbot 2013-10-14
http://dl-ctlg.panasonic.jp/.../pw101cl102cw.pdf - 6.70MB
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282page / 6.70MB
English Guide270MicrophoneLiquid crystal displayMemo Message button & indicatorrecords/plays back a voice memo.Mute buttonE-Mailbutton & indicatorPause buttonAuto DialbuttonAuto Answer button-light on: answering device activated.-light off: used as a regular telephone.Replay button plays back recordedmessages. / Record button recordstelephone calls. Stop buttonStart/Fax/Copy button starts faxing orcopying.Resolution button selects the resolutionwhen faxing or copying.Multi-operation buttons refer to thefunction displayed on the display panel.Redial buttonFunction button initiates programming.Search button searches the directory bypressing the up and down buttons.Volume button adjusts ringer, speakerand handset volume by pressing the upand down buttons.Store button stores information (phonenumbers, names etc.) into the telephonedirectory. / Searchbutton searches thetelephone directory.Intercom buttonSpeakerphone buttonTone button switches to tone dialing.1817161514131211109876543211 23 4 5101112 13 15 14 16 17 186897Control panel