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"LS"420 - 430 件目を表示
AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM191(b) Turning the system on and off"PWR/VOL": Push this knob to turn theaudio system on and off. Turn this knob toadjust the volume. The system turns on inthe last mode used.You can select the function that enablesautomatic return to the previous screenfrom the audio screen. See page 312 fordetails.(c) Switching between functionsU6002AASLYDVD changer imagePush the "AM.FM", "SAT", "DISC","CD" or "AUX" button to turn on thedesired mode.U0002AASLY1. Push the "MENU" button on the Re-mote T...
NAVIGATION SYSTEM: BASIC FUNCTIONS39When appears on the screen, an ex-planation of the function can be displayed.1. Select .U1007LS2. Select the button of the desiredfunction.U1006LSWhen starting the navigation system, thecurrent position is displayed first.This screen displays the current vehicleposition and a map of the surrounding localarea.U1053LCThe current vehicle position mark (1) ap-pears in the center or bottom center of themap screen.A street name will appear on the bottom ofthe screen, depend...
4574-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance4Maintenance and careCAUTION■When inspecting or replacing tiresObserve the following precautions to prevent accidents. Failure to do so may cause damage to parts of the drive train as well as dangerous handling characteristics, which may lead to an accident resu lting in death or serious injury.●Do not mix tires of different makes, mode ls or tread patterns. Also, do not mix tires of remarkably different treadwear.●Do not use tire sizes other th an those recommended by Lex...
LEXUS ENFORM WITH SAFETY CONNECT180View and play received Lexus Insid-er messagesU0002AASLY1. Push the "MENU" button on the Re-mote Touch.U5001LS2. Select "Info. / Phone".U12011LS3. Select "LEXUS Insider"."LEXUS Insider" screen is displayed onthe screen.U12012LS4. Select the desired article title fromthe Lexus Insider menu to play thatbroadcast or select "Read All" to listento all stored Lexus Insider broadcasts.To disrupt the audio read of Lexus Insider,push the "MODE" switch on the steeringwheel or push t...
LEXUS ENFORM WITH SAFETY CONNECT162U20003LS4. When an agent comes on the line,tell the agent the address, businessname, or the type of POI or service youwould like to locate.To adjust the call volume, select "−" or "+"on the "Destination Assist" screen, or usethe volume switch on the steering wheelduring the call.You can end the call at any time byselecting the "Disconnect" button on the"Destination Assist" screen or the steer-ing−wheel phone on−hook (hang−up)switch.After the agent helps you determine your...
LEXUS ENFORM WITH SAFETY CONNECT171(b) XM StocksYou must first add your desired stocksprior to receiving data. (See page 172.) Receive stock data1. Push the "MENU" button on the Re-mote Touch, then select "Info./ Phone".2. Select "XM Stocks".U12033LS3. Select the individual stock for whichyou would like to receive verbal data orselect "Read All".The available chosen data will be read inits entirety.Stock data may be delayed by up to 15minutes. XM Stocks settings - Add or deletestocksTo input your personaliz...
LEXUS ENFORM WITH SAFETY CONNECT183U12017LS4. Select "LEXUS Insider"."LEXUS Insider Settings" screen is dis-played on the screen.U12018LSPlease refer to the following pages foreach setting.RECEIVE/OPT OUT OF LEXUS INSIDERU12019LS1. Select "Receive LEXUS Insider".2. Select "Yes" to receive Lexus Insid-er articles or "No" to opt out of receiv-ing articles.3. Select "Save".
LEXUS ENFORM WITH SAFETY CONNECT170U12044LS4. Select "Yes" to confirm or "No" tocancel.DELETE SPORTS TEAMSU12027LS1. Select "Delete Sports Teams".U12031LS2. Select the sports team that youwould like to delete or select "SelectAll" to delete all teams.3. Select "Delete".U12045LS4. Select "Yes" to confirm or "No" tocancel.
LEXUS ENFORM WITH SAFETY CONNECT161Destination Assist provides you with liveassistance for finding destinations via theLexus Enform response center. You canrequest either a specific business, ad-dress, or ask for help locating your desireddestination by category, such as restau-rants, gas stations, shopping centers orother points of interest (POI).After you tell the agent your choice of des-tination, its coordinates are sent wirelesslyto your vehicle's navigation system. Make a call with Destination AssistU
LEXUS ENFORM WITH SAFETY CONNECT163Destination Assist HistoryLocations you receive via Destination As-sist will be saved to the navigation system.Up to 100 destinations can be stored in theDestination Assist history.1. Push the "MENU" button on the Re-mote Touch, then select "Destination".2. Select "Destination Assist".U12002LS3. Select "Dest. Assist History".U12004LS4. Select the desired location in orderto display its data and be able to be setit as a destination.Select "Sort" to sort the locations by eit...
