Comfort Curv...

Comfort Curve Keyboard 2000 Microsoftの解決方法

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"Microsoft"120 - 130 件目を表示
Results stated herein are based on internal Microsoft testing. Individual results and performance may vary. Any device images shown are not actual size. This document is provided for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. Micr osoft makes no warranty, express or implied, with this document or the information contained herein. Review any public use or publications of any data herein with your local legal counsel. (C)2009 Microsoft Corporation. The names of actual compan...
1Product GuideThis symbol identi fi es safety and health messages in the Product Guide and other product manuals.Read this guide for important safety and health information that apply to the Microsoft(R) device that you have purchased.Warning:Failure to properly set up, use, and care for this product can increase the risk of serious injury or death, or damage to the d evice or devices. Read this guide and keep all printed guides for future reference. For replacement guides, go to
1EnglishLimited WarrantyIMPORTANT-PLEASE READ THIS LIMITED WARRANTY CAREFULLY TO UNDERSTAND YOUR RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS! "Hardware Device" means the Microsoft(R) hardware product. "You" or "Your" means either an individual or a single legal entity. "Software" means the software supplied by Microsoft for use with the applicable Hardware Device and includes any associated media (including copies), printed materials and any "online" or electronic documentation or authorized upgrades or supplements from Micros...
MS Color Bar v .5 03080 PartNo.X13-27946-01 ENG: Microsoft® wired keyboard PTB: Teclado com io da Microsoft® FRA: Clavier avec il Microsoft® ESP: Teclado con cable de Microsoft® ENG: For the latest information and updates, go to For important safety information, see the Product Guide. PTB: Para obter as informações e atualizações mais recentes, visite Para obter informações importantes sobre segurança, co...
2Photosensitive SeizuresA very small percentage of people may experience a seizure when exposed to certain visual images, including fl ashing lights or patterns that may appear in video games. Even people who have no history of seizures or epilepsy may have an undiagnosed condition that can c ause these "photosensitive epileptic seizures" while watching video games.These seizures may have a variety of symptoms, including light headedness, altered vision, eye or face twitching, jerking or sh aking of arms ...
2This Limited Warranty does not include any warranty regarding legal rights or abilities, such as any warranty regarding title, quiet enjoyment, or lack of infringement.E. REGISTRATION.You need not register Your acquisition of the Software and Hardware Device for the Limited Warranty to be effective.F. BENEFICIARY.To the extent allowed by applicable law, the Limited Warranty is only made to You, the fi rst licensed user of the Software or purchaser of the Hardware Device, and there are no third party ben...
3For 802.11a devices onlyThis product is restricted to indoor use only to reduce any potential for harmful interference with licensed operation in the 5 .15 to 5.25 GHz frequency range.Microsoft Corporation; One Microsoft Way; Redmond, WA 98052-6399; U.S.A. United States: (800) 426-9400 Canada: (800) 933-4750Statement of Compliance with EU DirectivesHereby, Microsoft Corporation declares that this product is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant pr ovisions of Directives, 2006/95/...
3Portugues (Brasil)Garantia LimitadaIMPORTANTE - LEIA ESTA GARANTIA LIMITADA COM ATENCAO PARA ESTAR CIENTE DE SEUS DIREITOS E OBRIGACOES! "Dispositivo de Hardware" signi fi ca o produto de hardware Microsoft(R). "Voce" signi fi ca um individuo ou uma pessoa juridica. "Software" signi fi ca o software fornecido pela Microsoft para uso com o Dispositivo de Hardware aplicavel e inclui qualquer midia associada (incluindo copias), materiais impressos e qualquer documentacao "online" ou eletronica ou atualiza...
4Guia do produtoEste simbolo identifi ca mensagens de seguranca e saude neste Guia do Produto e em outros manuais.Leia este guia para obter informacoes importantes sobre saude e seguranca que se aplicam ao dispositivo da Microsoft(R) adquirido por voce.Aviso:Se este produto nao for instalado, utilizado e manuseado com cuidado, os riscos de lesoes graves ou morte, ou ainda de danos ao (s) dispositivo(s), serao maiores. Leia este guia e guarde todos os materiais impressos para referencia futura. Para obter c...
4D. EXCLUSOES DE COBERTURA.Esta Garantia Limitada nao sera aplicavel, e a Microsoft nao tem nenhuma responsabilidade sob esta Garantia Limitada se o Dispo sitivo de Hardware ou Software: for usado para fi ns comerciais (incluindo aluguel ou arrendamento) ou para fi ns que vao alem do escopo da licenca do Software; for modi fi cado ou violado; for dani fi cado por desastres naturais, picos de energia, mau uso, abuso, negligencia, acidente, desgaste, manuseio indevido, uso incorreto ou outras causas rel...
